Friday, May 25, 2007

nerf longshot review

this was one of the guns that really disapointed me and i took it back after a week. the problem was it didnt shoot that far the secondary blaster wasnt that good the scope didnt work and if a bullet jammed it would scar up the other darts. however i cant say this is a totally useless weapon as it has complicated though available mods. but i think it is kind of like a daydream of having this gun and snipering people from a soccer field away. the gun also dosnt shoot as far when it is put in both peices. it actually shoots farther when its in one part. it has 6 shot clips and has an extra clip in the extendable stock.

Strength: poor

this weapon is a bit of a fantasy and has a high price of $45 and i dont recomend it.

1 comment:

meatball_sub said...

hey its me here i looked around the net and couldnt find tto many things about it shreding my darts so i will probably get another one because mine was defective